Our Services
Upcoming Events
Our Vision
Preach, Teach & Study
We share the Good News simply and creatively so that all may come to know Jesus personally and intimately. We teach the whole counsel of God, in order to make all well-rounded, disciples of Jesus Christ and winning representatives of the power of the Kingdom of God. We study together and individually ensuring that we are good stewards of the Word of God (Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim. 2: 2)
Worship & Pray
We are in a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ so we worship always because He is so awesome and worthy. As we worship, we become like the One we worship. We pray always and about everything as a means of communication with God. (Acts 2: 42; 47; 2 Cor 3: 18; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17)
Fellowship & Care
We show the true love of Christ and welcome all into our family with wide open arms. We want no one left out. We care for the needy; empathize with all; correct one another in love and condemn none. We want the Church to also be a place of safety, comfort and fun. (1 Peter 3: 8; 1 John 3: 14)
Serve & Act
Our service is an act of worship to God by which every person plays an active role and makes positive contributions. We encourage and support every individual to identify their gifts and we provide them with opportunities for expression in service to God and Man. No effort is too small; no sacrifice is too great. (Romans 12: 4-8)
Reach-out & Evangelize
We develop creative and effective outreach activities aimed at evolving a community
which sees the Kingdom of God thrive in Canterbury. Everyone is equipped and encouraged to be “salt” and “light” wherever they go from here. We work with and support other Christian and social groups, promoting harmony and love among all people. (Acts 2: 40-47)